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What is Chia coin based on?

The chia cryptocurrency is based on the Chia Network, which was set up by Bram Cohen, the creator of the file-sharing system BitTorrent, in 2017. The chia coin itself was launched in May 2021. You may be asking what is chia coin? How does chia coin work?

What is Chia mining and how does it work?

The Chia Mining process makes use of simple hardware that does not consume much volume of electricity. With this, it makes it cheaper then classical. It mainly use available space on your hard drives for mining. And everything seems plausible when you mine cryptos using the Chia pool. This is why it has become widely accepted among crypto miners.

Should you build a Chia coin farm?

A final word of caution about building a big Chia coin farm here. Just because you've got a Chia farm up and running, don't expect massive rewards. We've gone over the numbers already, but the returns for 10TB of plots right now are averaging around $0.50 per day, and that's likely to drop.

What is Chia (XCH) crypto?

The coin is supposed to be a viable alternative to fiat money. Chia runs on its proprietary programming language ChiaLisp. It is believed to be an enterprise-level language that makes Chia the most secure cryptocurrency available in the market. How Does Chia (XCH) Crypto Work?

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